Looking Towards Lebanon and Peace

Looking Towards Lebanon and Peace: Acrylic on Canvas, 20” x 24”

Look Towards Lebanon and Peace - Painting By Israeli Artist Ednah Schwartz
Look Towards Lebanon and Peace – Painting By Israeli Artist Ednah Sarah Schwartz

The greys, muted tones, and the scene of this acrylic painting create tension between somber feelings, unrest, and hopefulness. Rolling off the mountain is a chilling mist which partially obscures the blotchy landscape and gives a feeling of late winter.

The colors of the clouds range from gray to white to lavender hues. The artist uses the direction of the strokes to indicate movement and create a sense of tension. Apprehension also comes into play between the title which gives a sense of hopefulness and the painting itself which gives off an air of unrest and fleeting peace that is still unattainable.

The horizon line of the mountains, the mist, and the variegated ground give a sense of space, while the sky stretching overhead signals uncertainty. This gives the viewer the sense that they are a part of this beautiful landscape. Furthermore, this painting views Lebanon from the Naftali mountains, but in reality, this view lends itself to either side of the border and engulfs its viewers with the feeling of unpredictability while yearning for peace that is not yet on the horizon.