The Old City of Jerusalem
The Old City of Jerusalem: Oil on Carton, 10” x 7.5”
This abstract rendition of the Old City of Jerusalem is an oil on carton that evokes thoughts about the long history of struggle, rebirth, and transformation that are a part of the lifeblood of the city. The deep blue tone that circles the painting does not let us forget the important role of water in the past and in the present. While patches of green and sunshine bring a sense of joy. The artist creates tension and movement using strokes that are at sharp angles to each other. For example, in some places one can see underlying layers of colors that add to the complexity of the work. The painting is a flurry of activity, much like the city itself both in ancient times and modern. The artist captured the essence of the city beautifully in this dynamic painting. Both the subject matter and the techniques used by the artist combine and culminate in a way that makes this piece a treasured addition to any home or office.