Along the Israeli Coast in Summer

Along the Coast in Summer: Oil on Canvas, 16.25” x 13”

Along the Coast in Summer Oil Painting by Israeli Artist Ednah Schwartz
Along the Coast in Summer Oil Painting by Israeli Artist Ednah Sarah Schwartz

Ocher Yellow plays a major role in many regions of the country. In the north shades of Ochre depict dried out vegetation or fields of wheat which, in contrast, are thoroughly irrigated. The landscape of the coast line has many areas of sand dunes which often lead to the sea. This scene is very typical of the dry summer months in the coastal area. The lower part of the sky painted with shades of grey brings us closer to summers end and hopefully some respite from the pounding heat.

In this painting, Ednah Sarah Schwartz masterfully captures the essence of Israel’s summer landscape, using ochre yellow as a dominant force to evoke the dry, parched earth typical of the region during the warmer months. The interplay between the arid land and the subtle greys in the sky creates a palpable tension, as the viewer senses the anticipation of relief from the oppressive heat. The muted tones of the sky hint at the possibility of change, signaling the nearing end of summer and the hope for cooler days ahead.

Schwartz’s depiction of the landscape is both realistic and atmospheric, as she balances the harshness of the dry earth with the soft promise of renewal in the sky. The painting not only illustrates the geographical and seasonal nuances of the coastal region but also captures the cyclical nature of the land, where even in the midst of dryness, there is a quiet expectation of life returning with the coming rains.